Monday, July 25, 2011

"Rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read" (Frank Zappa)

This reminds me of a riddle that goes like this- "He who built it sold it, the one who bought it did not use it, the one who used it did not see it", What is this thing built here? - a coffin!!.

Journalists who write about rock are supposed to have some knowledge about rock music. There is so much controvercy about written stories in the media, maybe it is people mentioned here by Frank Zappa who are guilty of scrupulous journalism.

It is common knowledge that when you are a journalist you need to know your target audience, probably this journalist has a way of interviewing people who can not talk, they might be using sign language. In any case this implies that whatever your situation is, you will ultimatley get the news and exposure.

Tough one!!

Top 200 achievements

I think the fact that this blog is supposed to be about TOP 200- not just ordinary achievements, makes it more difficult to write. I am almost 50 years old, I think I am supposed to have so much achievements. I started to think about these achievements last week, till today I have not thought of more than my one hand- yes thats true!.

I will mention only those achievements I think are significant to ME!

When I finished my Police training in 1985, that was thee most significant period- it was tough I never thought I will finish the 6 months intensive training!.

The achievement that is ongoing (if there is such), is my marriage, the fact that this year I'm married for 24 years is a great achievement for me, I'm proud of US!!

For me, raising healthy, well rounded children is an achievement, although I think this is also an ongoing excercise, so I can not really say I have achieved more especially in terms of the 3 kids that are still at home.

In 2009 I graduated my PR Diploma at 47 years, attending classes for the first time after more than 10 yrs out of school / lecture room. I had passed more than 5 courses with distinction!! This is the highlight of my achievements.

This is just a few of my achievements, watch this space for more!!

What motivates me?

What motivates me is simple - fear to fail. Whatever task I'm given, the fact that I do not want to be associated with incomplete, and half done tasks, that motivates me to work harder for success.

Some people say that they will be motivated the day they get good salaries. My understanding is the you will get the increase and be motivated, two months down the line you are used in that salary, and you go back to be demotivated.

Working in a conducive environment motivates me. I like my office to be clean and colourfull, work with have motivated colleagues, that motivates me!

More than anything else, my family (children and husband) motivate me more. Everything that I do I want to succeed so that they can be proud of me. Sometimes when I feel tired and think of quiting my job- the minute I realise why I'm working in the first place, that it is to take care of my family and give them the best I can- that motivates me.

There are different things under different circumstances that motivate me!!


The 10 most unexpected consequences of being online

1. Twitter- I receive tweets from people I do not know and I have never followed. I think some are not even following me but I get their tweets. I do not know whether it is proper for me to comment on their tweets since they do not know me.

2.  Ever since I started to tweet and blog, if I cook one or two of my pots tend to burn!!

3.  If I'm online  using the laptop in bed, my husband gets cross he does not even get interested even if I tell him something interesting from online - he says online has taken over my life (not true)

4.  People post their compromising pictures online, and its embarassing, I'm not sure whether they do it on purpose or not.

5.  I sometimes chat nicely with people I do not even know, its amazing!!

6.  When online, you tend to get news even before the radio has broadcast it, good one!!

7.  If you are not careful, you can loose your valuable information just by pressing the wrong button- like loosing your money through online fraud.

8.  The knowledge and information you get online about anything and everything.

9.  If you are registered online, you are like a celebrity, information about you is accessible to all the people out there!.

10. When online, you are virtually all over the world, you caht with people from all walks of life.

Wow, this is a mouthfull - the topic says 'list' LOL!!

Hope this list interests you!