Saturday, May 3, 2014


We have an addition to our family, my granddaughter Sibahle-Lee Mngconkola!!!!. I'm so proud of my growing family especially when I saw Sibahle's birth certificate.

My son and his baby-mama are not married, I just hope registering the baby in our surname will not create some expectation in terms of marriage. I hope they will let things happen the way they should, not because they are pressurised by having a baby together.

You know a bonus in all this? Sibahle-Lee's maternal family are my NEIGHBOURS, as in next door!! So I have a privilege of seeing my princess at anytime I want! I can't wait for when she is big, she will just tell her other grandma that "I'm going home to Nana (me)". 

I love Dena (Baby mama), I just hope she will stay focused on the baby irrespective of her relationship with Siba (my son). My son on the other hand,  ee..eee.. I just hope to God that he takes his job as a father seriously. I hope how well we raised him would rub on him and he also do an excellent job raising her daughter.

My fear........ their unstable relationship affecting healthy growth of my granddaughter. I promise and swear on my children, I will not allow that!!!!

Welcome to the clan mamMpandla, Khipha, Gobozi ........

Mhhh, we still have to do all the razzmatazz of tradition, at home in Addo!!!

Till next time. (I'm struggling with technology to load Sibahle's pics)

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I'm a proud grandma!

I cannot believe it has been 2yrs since I last posted a blog. Thanks to my 2 week old granddaughter, I'm motivated to blog again. Actually its all about me wanting to brag about my beautiful princess.

You will not believe how disappointed I was when my 25yr old son and his girlfriend came to inform me and my husband that they are pregnant! Remember in our culture it is the representatives from the girl's family who must come to our family to claim damages.

I probably said things I now regret having said, "you are on your own" this is nobody else's problem but yours alone" "you are old enough to make a baby, then you alone must deal with it". Wow! I guess I panicked because both of them have no permanent jobs, they are doing internships at their work places. Moreover, to me my son is still a baby, how on earth can he have a baby!! Enough about that, that is history.

I noticed that I'm no longer angry with my son when he told me his girlfriend is in hospital to give birth. I was so anxious and at the same time excited. She was admitted on a Wednesday, I visited her on a Saturday afternoon and she indicated that she is overdue. Early morning on Sunday the 13th of April, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I looks like the princess was waiting for me the queen of this family to visit her before she graced us with her presence on this earth.

Eversince that Sunday when I first saw her, it was love at first sight. I cannot describe how I feel about her! She is an Angel, my Princess, my everything! Remember I was not blessed with a girl, we have a total of five boys in this family. Now we are two girls, I'm no longer an only female, yeepy!! 

Watch this space, I'll be posting her photos.

I'm tempted to throw her a 1 month birthday party! Crazy nhe!

So long!!