Monday, December 28, 2015


Festive Season is a time to chill. I believe that if you want to really chill, work during this time. Yes, a couple of days just before Xmas it becomes hectic, besides that it's chilling all the way!! I'm taking my lunch time to blog, hopefully my interest in blogging is going to be revived.

I've just celebrated my 54th birthday, yhooo! It was the best, from the breakfast with colleagues to lunch out with my family. The highlight was the appreciation on the faces of my fellow Christians when I handed over a gift to the Church- thanking Almighty God for all the Blessings He has bestowed on me. I am so blessed in so many ways and with many things, but there's few I need to mention: I'm greatful that God blessed me with an aunt who raised me as her own child. Things I do for her now cannot measure to what she has done for me when I was growing up. God blessed me with a job that led me to the love of my life, my humble, sweet husband. God has His own plans for us, I never thought I will spend 30 yrs of my life in SAPS! If careers grew in trees, I will choose SAPS again. I've grown in all aspects of my life with experiences gathered in this career.
God has blessed me with a husband who has patience, who is humble, loving and who loves his God and has taught me that "I can do all things through Christ the Lord", forcing matters won't take you anywhere. I'm grateful to God for the children he has entrusted to me. I pray everyday that I stay on God's path so that I become a good example to them. If they choose to go astray, at least I can go to sleep a happy woman knowing that I did not contribute negatively to their lives. I'm greatful of ALL the people that are in my life. They have contributed in making me this happy human being, I hope I'm also bringing happiness in theirs too. I REFUSE to have negative people and circumstances ruin my happiness. I thank God for being able to just IGNORE negativity especially when dealing with people that have a mission of making other miserable because they themselves have miserable lives.
Ok, this blog is not about negativity it is about me being greatful to God for all the blessings He bestowed on me. The only way I can repay Him is to be kind to others, spread love wherever I am and share the blessings with those not fortunate like I am.

I hope you've enjoyed this blog, till we meet again❤️.