Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Everybody is talking about the end of year, how they going to rejoice having finished BTech! Lovely and good for them. But for me I still have a lot in my plate. There is definitely nothing for me to rejoice at this moment.

I have worries that will probably end late in December or in January for that matter. You ask yourself, 'What is your story now Sis Theo?'. Mine is a long story, which started the Friday my son went to school for the last time, attending their Valedictory. Now is the time to be serious, if the child has not been serious the throught the year, staying at home to prepare for exams is really a trying period that need to be used strategically.

Wow, my son, like his mother (mwha) is not really an A student not even a B, we have to work hard to get decent results. But at the moment his description and mine of working hard are totally different, this is point no.1 that is in my plate, I can not help it, I seem to be more anxious about his exams than he is. I pray all the time for the Lord to give me calmness. Are all mothers stressing at this time?

Next on my plate is the fact that the same son is going to the bush as soon as he finished his exams. That is stressing in multiples!!. Again I wish the day would not come, on the other hand he is looking forward to the whole thing!!Oh boy...sigh!!.

I have a lot of other things to worry about, I was just telling two things concerning one child, there's four others!! Ukuzala kukuzisonga!! LOL

Monday, October 24, 2011

100 things to do before I die

What a coincident, to be writing 100 things I must do before I die, when only this morning I heard of death of a family of three. I bet they all had some things they still wanted to do. 

In one of the weekend papers I read of a 95 year old woman arrested for stealing a horse from a neighbour, she later claimed that riding the neighbour's horse is in her bucket list.

Be sure that my list does not include going to jail! This is not by order, but just as I remember:-
*  tour SA especially Mpumalanga and KZN
*  celebrate 25th anniversary
*  go overseas for holiday
*  host any of my son's graduation party
*  be a General before I retire (not entirely dependent on me)
*  own a company, not neccesarily an events company
*  own a house with a big swimming pool (not a pond)
*  get Masters in PR
*  see all my kids get married and I get to have grandchildren
*  do a guest appearance in a soapie/movie

There you go guys, 10% of 100. I'll finish next time.

Take care!!!


Death is never a good topic to explore, but when tragic death happens, you just can't stop talking about it until the particular loss sinks in. When I joined the department in 1985, this lady was one of the few females in the organisation, an automatic bond developed.

We both got married at almost the same year and we both had three children who are the same age group. I was blessed with three boys and she with two boys and a girl. I had always envied her for having a girl.

I last saw her in December 2010 when I was visiting in PE. We chatted for a long time talking about how grown up our kids are and remembering old times.

This morning I got shocking news of her death, her husband and their last born kid, a daughter. They were on their way to drop the child at school and then to work. It is alleged that the other driver hit them on the side, throwing the girl out and they all died at the scene. The other driver is still critical in hospital.

May their souls rest in peace. It is true that when we leave our houses and homes in the morning, we must be in peace with everybody in the house, because you do not know whether you will see them again. Imagine the two boys who said good bye to their parents and sister, within half n' hour people came to tell them they are now orphans! Life can be cruel sometimes!!

God has a reason for all that He places upon us. I hope and pray these kids find their strenght in GOD!