Sunday, May 29, 2011


Everytime I have a child in matric I stress. I believe I am justified in stressing because I'm the one who will have to pick-up pieces if the child fails at the end of the year. So far none of my children has failed matric, for that matter, they never failed a standard, thanks to God for that!!.

Every year, from day one, I preach to them to start studying from the 1st day at school, but that goes from one ear and out through another!. I'm always told to wait for results (term results) and I will see that they are studying. My kids are not genius but are hard workers.I can imagine what would happen if I just keep quiet and not push them to study,if I just wait for the results. What will happen if the results came and he has failed, it would be late to talk about studying hard as he would already have failed.

So, beside stressing about my studies, I stress about my kid's one too. I'm not complaining, that's a parent's job, luckily I have a husband who also has interest on all our studies.

I hope you will have a happy well deserved June holidays!!


  1. I cannot wait for those June holidays! I suppose I can attest to this whole failing a standard thing, iv always been afraid of failure and disappointing my parents so i made it a priority to pass.

  2. Raising children and ensuring they do well at school and especially in their Matric year, remains one of the key priorities of us parents.
    Stressing unfortunately comes with the parental package.
    The good news is that in the end they always surprise the 'nagging Moms' with excellent results. Your son will do great this year!
