Sunday, May 29, 2011

Try a cliche

Almost all conversations amongst people are full of cliche. It is a mammoth task to try and find the origins of the cliche, what happened that prompted the utterer of the words to say them. Sometimes even when the words are true and the person saying them means what he/she is saying, the moment a cliche is used, the value of the words get lost, sometimes this is unfair.

Out of all the cliches I have heard there is one that I like, ' money can't buy love', not that I believe it to be true, I like it because it provokes discussion amongst people, especially youngsters in a dating game. I have always believed that love, not necessarily true love, just love-not money, is a foundation for a lasting relationship and marriage. I believed that your love for each other will make you overcome all problems that you have.

This belief of mine was tested when a young newly married nephew of mine told me that though money can not buy love in a relationship/marriage, I must remember that love can't buy food, pay bills etc. He went further to support his statement by saying that, most couple's marriages, who struggle financially, tend to be rocky, as they always fight because of stress caused by their situation.

For me personaly, I still believe, you can have all the money in the world, without love or loved ones, it means nothing. Imagine you have lots of money in the bank or under your matress, now you are sick and you need to go to the doctor, will your money come under the matress and take you to the doctor, no it will not. You need to have your loved ones to come and take care of you, yes, they will use your money to do that.

My message here is that, cherish relationships, they are more valuable than money or material things.


1 comment:

  1. "Money can not buy you love, but it can buy you a better form of misery", "Money cannot buy you love, but it can help you be unhappy in nice places" LOL
