Monday, June 27, 2011


Here we are approaching 3rd term of school and saying good bye to a well deserved break. I have been plucking myself to open the blog site and start writing from the 1st week of holidays, but it has been difficult.It has taken a scary incident to push me to finally open the laptop and write. Concerning this incident,in this day and under the circumstances I can say that 'every day is a good day', even this unfortunate situation has made this day a good day, in some tiny way if you look closely.

Of late my face had developed some acne and putting pressure on me were people commenting on it. So I finally made an appointment with a Dermatologist who prescribed antibiotic tablets and a cream. I took one tablet Sat evening and second intake was Sun, last night. 4:00 in the morning  I woke up my body itching like nobody's business.

I then thought its strange cause I just changed bedding the other day! but did not think further why my body was itching. At 5:30 I stood up went to the laundry room, on my way while in the kitchen I felt dizzy and leaned on the counter, the next moment I'm lying on the floor my husband and kids frantic trying to give me air and calling me. I still felt dizzy my whole body feeling like I'm being electric shocked. Beside feeling tired and still itching and with high temperature I was ok. My husband took me to Parow Medicross Medical Centre where I saw a doctor who immediately diagnosed that I'm reacting to a specific antibiotic found in those tablets (I still need to learn by heart the name).

Now here I am in bed for two days, which gives me time to catch-up with my blogs. Don't you think 'every day is a good day', after the scary day I'm achieving something-doing my school work!!

Have good health you guys! and happy read!!


  1. Your family must have had a big scare when they saw you knocked out yesterday morning. Aside bad reacion to medication, maybe your body is telling you to take things slowly. Get well, enjoy well-deserved bedrest and keep blogs and tweets comingYour family must have had a big scare when they saw you knocked out yesterday morning. Aside bad reacion to medication, maybe your body is telling you to take things slowly. Get well, enjoy well-deserved bedrest and keep blogs and tweets coming

  2. Thank God they found you on time and that you are ok! @least something good came of your bed-rest, you were able to catchup with the piling school work.
