Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's a poor idea to lie to yourself

I'm trying to think what is the latest lie I have told myself recently......I went to the gym for the first time today after 3 months. I told myself that today is the begining of a new era, I'm going to frequent the gym!! I know I'm lying to myself because I am lazy even for me to go today my husband promised to take me to the mall after the gym, then I woke up and accompanied him, see I'm lying to myself. But I'll see, because deep down I do want to frequent the gym and as I'm writing a small voice inside me tells me that I'll stick to this promise.

This one is a BIG lie, I tell myself, "I can manage my clothing accounts", I am lying to myself because I shop more than I should. This is a poor idea because I don't try to rectify my situation as I lie by saying everything is manageable and one of these days I know it'll overwhelm me, unless I stop lying to myself.

These could be small lies but they have a potential of being contagious, they could affect my relationship with my husband. Ok, now that I have acknowledged these lies I hope to do something about them because ' it is a poor idea to lie to myself ' Some people say that a lie is a lie, there is no small or big lie, they are all LIES period!!.

I feel pity for people who lie to impress others. Imagine someone saying he/she has a big house while he/she has a two roomed house. What will the person gain about lying? nothing because even if he gets praises for his/her achievements, deep down he/she knows what is the truth. It is better for a person to work hard and achieve his/her dreams instead of lying because the person is lying to him/herself and that is a poor idea.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Is it worth spending thousands of rands for Matric Ball?

This question would be scary if I was refering to another school other than Fairbairn College. Imagine you spend R7 000 buying suit & accessories, R1 500 shoes, R2 000 car hire, R1 000 for food, mind you these are the obvious expenses for a child's Matric Ball. In my books, its a doubt even to spend the peanuts I have spent unless I'm 100% sure my kid is going to pass at the end of the year.

I know Fairbairn College always delivers, since my 1st child in Matric 2007 at the school, they have had 100% pass rate, so I've warned my child that he's not going to spoil the school's good record. I hope by saying this to him I instill fear so he can work harder.

I'm so glad my son is understanding, though he was really envious of his friend's things, he never once threw a tantrum when I told him what he is getting is all we can afford. What I tell him is that he always looks handsome cause he has taste and his clothes fit him well.

2011 FBC Matric Ball on Friday was a blast! The theme was African. Parents and friends, we were outside but inside the yard. Matrics entered the yard in smart cars, there were Ferraris, Bentleys, Ashton Martins, Exec Limos, I'm not counting cars like my son's Mercedes E-Class, Hammers etc. One had three motorcyles escorting his Bentley doing the voom.voom sound to the cheers of the crowd. They drive in and they get off the car and walk the red carpet waving to us spectators. It was a real Oscar's event.

As parents we were allowed earlier to view the venue. The hall was exquisite, table clothes were a shiny sandy colour, centre pieces were beautiful African ornaments, the walls were also decorated in African pieces. The lighting of the hall was out of this world, it created a beautiful atmosphere. Even the entrance had big African horns and earthy pieces.

The Fashion Shows on Saturday were out of this world. The boys and girls were striding on the runway like professional models, surely some of them will take that line as a hobby. They showcased their attires with the announcer telling us who inspired the designs. Names of Hollywood stars like J Lo, Beyonce, Rihana,
J-Zee, Usher, Puff Diddy etc came up as having inspired either dresses and the suits outfits.

To see kids so happy was an icing in the whole thing, they enjoyed themselves as much as they entertained us. The grade 11's performed a beautiful African dance and it was announced that the whole show was arranged by them and some of the teachers. All in all the money I have spent was worth it, but now my son better deliver, GOOD RESULTS. I must still figure out how to load pictures here.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

If not now, then when?

Since September last year I have been acting in the place of my Supervisor. Only two weeks ago I have been informed formerly (not in writing, still waiting for letter of appointment) that I am acting. All along I have only been using my capacity as someone acting only when people need their documents to be signed or when they want to take rest days or leave, then I am a Supervisor. When it comes to setting rules and enforcing them, then I get funny faces like they are telling me 'you have not been appointed yet!'.

A few times when I have given instructions and a person said yes its fine, then when I check again that thing has not been done, I would then leave it at that and do the task myself as I take this as defiance and as I have not been announced to them to be acting I feel I can not enforce my supervision.

The fact is that in writing or not, appointment or not, by virtue of me being a senior member, in the absence of a Supervisor, I am accountable for whatever happens in the component. My question to MYSELF is that if I do not start now to act responsible as a Supervisor, then when? Will the piece of paper really make a difference? or it is a matter that I must be firm on the position of management attached to my status as a member in the group. If not now, then when will I assume the position of being a Supervisor?

I pray to God that He must give me the Wisdon He gave Solomon to know how to rule His people.

The sound of one hand clapping

One of the things my Reverend said today was that 'a hand washes another hand' which means people help each other. A sound of one hand clapping is not a possible thing, there needs to be two hands, then they can produce a clap sound.

When there is no co-operation amongst people, I can not even say that the sound of one hand clapping will be produced because one hand can not make a sound on its own. Whereas when a group of people co-ordinate and integrate their efforts, they will sound like one hand clapping because they do things in unison.

One hand, looking at this differently, can make a sound if you clap it on something. This can produce a sound which will depend on what you clapping your hand on. Clapping your hand on the drum can give you a nice music beat, clapping one hand on another person's cheek amounts to assault, so I want to change my statement and say that depending on how you use your hand, you can have a sound of one hand clapping.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Not all who wander are lost

The other day I asked my 'family doctor', my husband (he always gives us i-rati')what can I take to help me overcome 'forgetfulness'. I explained to him that I easily forget things more especially what I wanted to do. At work I will leave my office go to another, when I get there I will not know what I wanted there, then I would look like someone just wandering in offices. At home I will go from one room to another and I will not know what I wanted there.

I will be literally wandering, but I'll not be lost, just that I forgot what I wanted to do.Okey, my husband told me that I do not need medication, all I need is to find in my head this one file that is constantly open and just close it.He said in our heads we have lots of files for storing different things. He explained that what is happening to me is that I opened this file, dealt with the content, when I finished I never closed it, it is still open and sort of confusing me, because I deal with contents of other files that are not the same as the open one, and things get confused that is why I tend to wander, not that I am lost.

I understood when he explained this to me because he convinced me that what he was telling me was the fact. Understanding and believing are different things, so here I am still wandering but not lost still with the open file. Anyone with help?

Doing things differently makes us unique

My son was watching a movie and he asked me about Police protocol when a police member has died. I told him what happened while I was working in PE. An African Chaplain received a call that a White member stationed here in Cape Town had died and he had to break the news to his family that was staying in Summerstrand, PE.

As usual with us Blacks, whoever have to break the sad news must gather other family members, if they are far he must call close neighbours to accompany him to the bereaved family to inform them of the death.So my beloved Chaplain went to the neighbours of the member's parents and requested them to accompany us.

Neighours on both sides blankly refused and were unfriendly though we told them why we need them. So there we were knocking at the deceased's parents house and the mother answered. She wanted to know what we wanted before she invited us in. As we came in the husband joined us. The Chaplain started with his quotes from the Bible and the husband interrupted him, irritated asked what is it that we wanted.

He was told that his son, a policemen working in Cape Town had passed away. Yho the guy was so angry,he first asked why we went to his neighbours, did we tell them about their son's death, why couldn't the Chaplain go directly to them, they are offended, their family sorrow is now a neighbouhood affair, why are we treating them like that?

We had to apologise for our ignorance, we explained our aim was to get neighbours to give them support and pray with us as we break the sad news. We explained that in our custom the first person to receive news about death of a family member must gather people to break the news so they can give support. They later understood but were not convinced and asked us to never do that again and we had to promise.

As for me I would still need as many people as possible to give me support at such unfortunate time. Our Chaplain learnt a lesson and as for us accompanying him we also learnt something about the White people's culture when it comes to death.

I thought I should share this story with you guys.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


When I first received the assignment to Blog twice a week, I was like 'where will I start to do this THING?'.
Two months down the line, especially after the special lecture about Blog, I'm so into it. I think down the line I will overcome the problem of having 'writer's block'.

Since I've started writing my own Blogs everytime something happens in my life I look forward to write about it and share it with my team members. I write about everything and anything that comes to my mind when its time to write. It is always about my family and things we do as family. Songy is always looking forward to read what I've written, as for my Hubby, he always warns me not to be carried away, I hope I will not be.

Now that I have invited all my friends and colleagues to my Blog, I hope to write about other things too, we will see. As for my colleagues, sorry I will not be writing anything about work. We are still waiting for a policy regulating us as members on what to and not to do in terms of Social Media, till then, I invite you to my private world.

I strongly believe that there is so much negative things happening out there, at our homes, communities, at work, everywhere, sometimes we need to just ventilate about them so that they do not stress us. This is what I intend to do with my Blog, I hope you will also find your objective or motivation in reading and commenting on my Blog.

If you consistently read and comment on my Blog, when I graduate, I'll mention you all on my speech! LOL

Till next time!