Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's a poor idea to lie to yourself

I'm trying to think what is the latest lie I have told myself recently......I went to the gym for the first time today after 3 months. I told myself that today is the begining of a new era, I'm going to frequent the gym!! I know I'm lying to myself because I am lazy even for me to go today my husband promised to take me to the mall after the gym, then I woke up and accompanied him, see I'm lying to myself. But I'll see, because deep down I do want to frequent the gym and as I'm writing a small voice inside me tells me that I'll stick to this promise.

This one is a BIG lie, I tell myself, "I can manage my clothing accounts", I am lying to myself because I shop more than I should. This is a poor idea because I don't try to rectify my situation as I lie by saying everything is manageable and one of these days I know it'll overwhelm me, unless I stop lying to myself.

These could be small lies but they have a potential of being contagious, they could affect my relationship with my husband. Ok, now that I have acknowledged these lies I hope to do something about them because ' it is a poor idea to lie to myself ' Some people say that a lie is a lie, there is no small or big lie, they are all LIES period!!.

I feel pity for people who lie to impress others. Imagine someone saying he/she has a big house while he/she has a two roomed house. What will the person gain about lying? nothing because even if he gets praises for his/her achievements, deep down he/she knows what is the truth. It is better for a person to work hard and achieve his/her dreams instead of lying because the person is lying to him/herself and that is a poor idea.


  1. I think lying to yourself is sometimes a not-so-bad idea because the law of attraction says that your thoughts attract reality and what u constantly think of will eventually happen. So..........ya.

  2. Lie is wrong and uncceptable finish and klaar.
