Sunday, April 17, 2011

If not now, then when?

Since September last year I have been acting in the place of my Supervisor. Only two weeks ago I have been informed formerly (not in writing, still waiting for letter of appointment) that I am acting. All along I have only been using my capacity as someone acting only when people need their documents to be signed or when they want to take rest days or leave, then I am a Supervisor. When it comes to setting rules and enforcing them, then I get funny faces like they are telling me 'you have not been appointed yet!'.

A few times when I have given instructions and a person said yes its fine, then when I check again that thing has not been done, I would then leave it at that and do the task myself as I take this as defiance and as I have not been announced to them to be acting I feel I can not enforce my supervision.

The fact is that in writing or not, appointment or not, by virtue of me being a senior member, in the absence of a Supervisor, I am accountable for whatever happens in the component. My question to MYSELF is that if I do not start now to act responsible as a Supervisor, then when? Will the piece of paper really make a difference? or it is a matter that I must be firm on the position of management attached to my status as a member in the group. If not now, then when will I assume the position of being a Supervisor?

I pray to God that He must give me the Wisdon He gave Solomon to know how to rule His people.


  1. Its totally unaccepteable to used you, when its suite them. They also should take intructions from you any given time as their supervisor. My advice to you sisi take up the matter to the person manage and explain the situation, if he/she drugging the feet step down finish and klaar, is the less stress for you.

  2. I think its unfair and they are actually using you when it best suites them. Stand your ground and speak out please!
