Sunday, May 29, 2011


Everytime I have a child in matric I stress. I believe I am justified in stressing because I'm the one who will have to pick-up pieces if the child fails at the end of the year. So far none of my children has failed matric, for that matter, they never failed a standard, thanks to God for that!!.

Every year, from day one, I preach to them to start studying from the 1st day at school, but that goes from one ear and out through another!. I'm always told to wait for results (term results) and I will see that they are studying. My kids are not genius but are hard workers.I can imagine what would happen if I just keep quiet and not push them to study,if I just wait for the results. What will happen if the results came and he has failed, it would be late to talk about studying hard as he would already have failed.

So, beside stressing about my studies, I stress about my kid's one too. I'm not complaining, that's a parent's job, luckily I have a husband who also has interest on all our studies.

I hope you will have a happy well deserved June holidays!!

Try a cliche

Almost all conversations amongst people are full of cliche. It is a mammoth task to try and find the origins of the cliche, what happened that prompted the utterer of the words to say them. Sometimes even when the words are true and the person saying them means what he/she is saying, the moment a cliche is used, the value of the words get lost, sometimes this is unfair.

Out of all the cliches I have heard there is one that I like, ' money can't buy love', not that I believe it to be true, I like it because it provokes discussion amongst people, especially youngsters in a dating game. I have always believed that love, not necessarily true love, just love-not money, is a foundation for a lasting relationship and marriage. I believed that your love for each other will make you overcome all problems that you have.

This belief of mine was tested when a young newly married nephew of mine told me that though money can not buy love in a relationship/marriage, I must remember that love can't buy food, pay bills etc. He went further to support his statement by saying that, most couple's marriages, who struggle financially, tend to be rocky, as they always fight because of stress caused by their situation.

For me personaly, I still believe, you can have all the money in the world, without love or loved ones, it means nothing. Imagine you have lots of money in the bank or under your matress, now you are sick and you need to go to the doctor, will your money come under the matress and take you to the doctor, no it will not. You need to have your loved ones to come and take care of you, yes, they will use your money to do that.

My message here is that, cherish relationships, they are more valuable than money or material things.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Feelings follow behaviour

Once a wise person said when you have to make a decision, don't go with feelings because they change constantly. Today you can feel good about somebody or something, and tomorrow a bad thing happens to spoil the perception you have about that person or thing, then all of a sudden you nolonger feel good about it, you don't like it, you don't "feel it" . So our decisions must be based on facts not on feelings.

All I'm saying is that it is not wise for feelings to follow behaviour. Think of a scenario where a person feels lovey dovey about someone, they get married, whch is a commitent for life. Two years down the line, the lovey dovey feelings are gone and the two can not even tolerate or stand each other, then the marriage is gone! Commitments should be based on more than feelings cause feelings come and go.

There are also consequences for allowing feelings determine your behavior, most of the time its not good consequences cause when your senses return then its too late, if you demonstrated bad behaviour you can not change it, that will be how other people will know about you.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

God is always watching over us!

When my son told me that they nearly had an accident, I took it lightly untill the other one told me in detail. My stomach had knots even now as I'm writing I feel emotional. In the car it was two of my sons and a friend, I can't imagine what this accident would have done to me and to our family.

When I'm told of an accident that nearly happened I thank God for saving the people involved because I think of the people who do not have that opportunity, they die on the spot some in minor accidents. Survivors of accidents must really dedicate their lives to their Creator who has saved them, so they need to acknowledge Him.

I think we are spared because God has a purpose for us, otherwise why would you survive when other people in a similar situation die? This would have been a second time my son is involved in an accident. Everytime they drive away I become anxious until they come back. I become more worried when they drive all together, imagine if something could happen to all of them. These are just worries of being a parent, otherwise I BELIEVE God is always watching over them, only Him knows our destinations in this life.

Sorry guys this is depressing but a reality. Peace!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

It is wise to seek help when you need it.

2009/10 I was not studying, I took a well deserved break from the books. During this time I know without being told that I was the perfect wife and mother. Everyday I will come from work, clean the house, cook and even help the kids with their projects. I think helping them with projects is what inspired me to go back to studying. During weekends I would beg the kids to go out with me, to movies or for shopping. They would constantly tell me that they were busy with their school work or had to go out with friends/girlfriends.

2011 I'm back to studying and now I feel like I'm failing my husband and kids. My husband is one of those people who if a house has not been cleaned for even one day, he becomes irritated. From Feb when my classes started, having registered for 5 subjects, I knew I've made a blundder. I was overwhelmed by the work and not coping. I was attending school 4 days a week. This meant no cleaning or cooking for those 4 days. I knew that I needed help or change something in my schedule. I decided to drop 2 subjects but still I was'nt giving my family the attention they are used to get from me.

I had a meeting with the whole family and we discussed the situation. We all agreed that during the week I will be assisted with cooking and cleaning. The boys and my husband will take turns to cook when I'm not there and I will cook on all other days. We were all to do spring cleaning on Saturdays. This arrangement happened smoothly in March, but by the end of April, I was back to being the 'Cinderella' of the house. This time I was just nasty to all of them because I was not getting any help from them. They all cited being busy with their school work as if I don't have any.

As you know its difficult to be master of all, the more I get work at school and got some changes career wise things became worse at my house. Dishes piled waiting for me to do them, the washing  piled waiting for me to put in the machine, this is when my husband said me and the kids we must come up with a strategy, he is not happy with how the house is, not that he gave extra help with chores. While he was in Kenya, me and the boys decided that we need an extra hand to help us in the house. This means someone that will have to be paid. Can we afford that? The boys came with an idea of cutting their pocket and spending money so that we can be able to afford this extra expense.  I still have to see if this cutting will work for them.

My husband also agreed with our suggestion and now I'm waiting for the lady to come for an interview then we will take it from there. For my sanity, my husband's peace of mind and my children's .....?? I hope this arrangement will work for ALL of us!!

This is three stories, I'm not writing for the next 3 weeks!! LOL.
ake it easy with your Moms please guys and gal!! Happy reading.

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot.

This refers to all those that are good at giving instructions about things they can't even begin to implement or do practically. I once worked with a person who will know whatever you were about to say, before you even finish to explain it. The did that with everybody, you could be talking about your experience at a certain shop, before you finish your story the person will tell you about having experienced or solved a similar situation.

The people who always say 'done that, been there...' are sometimes smooth talkers who when they are needed, they do less of what is expected from them.

For me it is better to spend more time practicing than talking a lot. When we plan an event , for example an opening of a police station, I prefer to have meetings at the venue, in that way you will be able to practice what will happen on the day (dry-run),and see what is practical or not.

So, in Public Relations, are we expected to practice a little than talk a lot? For me, we need to practice a little and also talk bot not a lot!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Do you celebrate the things you do have?

Yes ofcourse I do celebrate the things that I have.

Every year I celebrate my marriage anniversary. Although I celebrate this important thing I have achieved so far, I do not forget that it is not because I am clever, but it is because of the Grace of God. I also celebrate my children's birthdays. When I celebrate these, I always tell them how proud I am for them being who they are and listening to us, parents, when we give them advice most of the time we give them instructions and they listen. and obey.

 I also celebrate the life that I have. The reason for celebrating it is because I appreciate the life God gave me. I celebrate it because I love my life, it is WORTH being celebrated. All it means to celebrate what you have is that you value the things you have.

If you take a closer look, you will find that all the things I confess to celebrate are not tangible things. It is things that are not manmade.I do not celebrate the tangible things. Ok I remember celebrating our fisrt  car and after two weeks my husband was involved in a car accident and the car was gone or write-off. This is one of the reasons I do not celebrate things that I have that are tangible. I think the only type of celebrating the things we have is by going down on our knees and thank the Only One who makes it possible for us to achive what we have.

 Remember guys we need to thank the Lord in Prayer for all our achivements, successes even the opposite of these need to be celebrated  or prayed for.

Wedding cake-in-the-middle-of-the road

What a coincident to be writing about a wedding cake just after the Royal Wedding!
This could mean a lot of things, from a disaster, a miracle to an impossible thing.

A disaster because a wedding cake is one of the precious items in a wedding, therefore if it is in the middle of the road, this spell D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R. Again if a wedding cake is in the middle of the road and it is still intact, that could be a miracle. If for some reason it fell from a car and it is still intact that really will be a miracle. Why would someone place a wedding cake in the middle of the road, that's just impossible unless the person is mentally deranged. Anything could happen to the cake, it can be stolen, vandalised or destroyed.

I am thinking now, if crazy rich people want to showcase how big, beautifull and expensive their wedding cake is, and they want all the people to see it. I do not think they will put it in the middle of the road. They will look at other means of displaying it, for example have big screens showing it, or take pictures and hang them arround in strategic places for all to see, but not place it in the middle of the road.

Even the Royal family with all their monies and ability to do anything , they will never place a wedding cake in the middle of the road.