Friday, May 20, 2011

Feelings follow behaviour

Once a wise person said when you have to make a decision, don't go with feelings because they change constantly. Today you can feel good about somebody or something, and tomorrow a bad thing happens to spoil the perception you have about that person or thing, then all of a sudden you nolonger feel good about it, you don't like it, you don't "feel it" . So our decisions must be based on facts not on feelings.

All I'm saying is that it is not wise for feelings to follow behaviour. Think of a scenario where a person feels lovey dovey about someone, they get married, whch is a commitent for life. Two years down the line, the lovey dovey feelings are gone and the two can not even tolerate or stand each other, then the marriage is gone! Commitments should be based on more than feelings cause feelings come and go.

There are also consequences for allowing feelings determine your behavior, most of the time its not good consequences cause when your senses return then its too late, if you demonstrated bad behaviour you can not change it, that will be how other people will know about you.


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