Saturday, June 4, 2011


Three days ago I visited home in PE, after reports that my aunt is sick. I know I'm not a doctor, but after all this lady has done for me for as long as I remember,she deserves my full attention, afterall if it was not for her I might not have been the person I am.
The first thing I noticed when I got home was that she has gained weight. I indicated this and she 'blamed' the lady looking after her, she said she cooks a lot and dishes like 'there's no tomorrow'. I laughed and told her she should eat accordingly, she could eat half and eat rest later, instead of finishing all meals.

The next day we went to Livingstone hospital as she was supposed to get results from tests done previously. The results were not good,  doctor indicated that her being overweight complicates her heath more.The doctor recommended healthy eating and walking.She must go back for more tests biopsy, MCG (not 100% sure, but something like that).

Later on I asked her for a list of her groceries so I can go buy them.Hee, what concerned me in her list were the following items, sweets, peanuts, niknaks, stewing beef and other things. When I first saw the list I was like 'Are you kidding me, is this what you buy every month, junk foods?', but I did not ask loud. I went to the shop and I bought everything on the list and added things I felt were healthier and will be easy to cook.

When I told my husband about my aunt's grocery list and what the doctors had said about her weight. He was angry with me saying that I know better, I should have told her no ways and did not buy the junk stuff. I told him that was exactly what I wanted to do, but a lot came to my mind :-
*  When I was growing up,I can't remember her refusing me something I realy wanted.
*  She might think I'm being stingy not buying her 'luxuries' she normally buys for herself.
*  Even if I don't buy junk for her, she will in any case buy them later when I'm gone and she might resent me for disobeying her wish.
*  When I told her of the consequences of eating junk food, she said 'I'm going to die even if I do not eat junk food, let me enjoy eating what I like while I can'.

The big question is, am I justified to let her get away with eating junk even when I know its not good for her health? I think I have no right to deny her the things I know even when I grew up she enjoyed them a lot, (chocolate, sweets, cakes & meat)
I love my aunt so much, I would feel bad to say no to her for anything. I feel at her age she should be enjoying life in any way she so wishes, I'm supposed to give her everything she ask for, afterall that's what she did for me when she raised me.
The lesson I have learnt in all this is that, I must do away with all the bad habits (eating lots of sweets, chocolates &cakes) I inherited from her, otherwise this health crisis will be a cycle (thinking of myself at old age and my kids). Please guys don't say you're still young, take care of yourselves!! LOVE, PEACE & HEALTH!!

1 comment:

  1. A catch-22 situation : Health on the one hand and being perceived to be stingy (especially if one can afford to buy for elders). I too had a close family member with same attitude who refused to give up smoking -"die once only so let me enjoy my smokes"
    I agree, best way forward is to improve in one's own family life - by adopting a healthy lifestyle
