Sunday, September 18, 2011

My big fat BIG dream.

I think it is every parent's dream to see her children become successful in life. I have all other dreams like my 25th anniversary party, getting my BTech qualifications and many many more!

But my big fat BIG dream is to see all my boys become men, not men by only going through initiation, but by completing their studies, get secure jobs and GET MARRIED and before I die, I get to see and have many grand children.

I am afraid to discuss this fat BIG dream of mine with them, because I do not want to put pressure on them. Some kids feel that what their parents wish for them has to be, in order to be a good child they must do what parents wish and say for them (I wish this was really the case). This is MY dream it should not be their burden to fullfil, it must happen if it is meant to be, I PRAY and keep dreaming, who knows, my dreams might come true some day!!.

Positive dreams bring positivity in ones life!!


" No Pain, No Gain"

15th September was my husband's birthday. Unfortunately I had to be at work by 05:00, I left the house at 04:30, I even forgot to wish him a happy birthday. Only at about 08:00 I called him. On this day I was at work till 20:00. I managed to go to Canal walk and bought him a gift(not a best choice).

On Sat, 17th without him knowing, I made a booking at a Chinese massage place at Canal Walk. It was a surprise belated birthday gift. I booked for both of us head, neck and back massage. Whilst the Chinese lady was busy with me, she told me that my muscles were in knots I needed "cupping". Figuring that my husband has more on his plate than me, he must be the one more in need of this "cupping", I asked the lady to inform the lady doing my husband to also give him "cupping".

After the massage we went to a restuarant for dinner. On our way he told me that he will never go to those ladies again because they are very rough, he did not enjoy the massage at all. I also did not enjoy it but I thought because he is a man he must have enjoyed the roughness of the Chinese ladies.

One thing for sure, after the massage and cupping I felt the difference, my body felt so light and I slept very well. As much as the ladies are rough, I will still go to them when I really feel stressed, they are good for me. Anyway there is a saying that "No pain, no gain". Overall it was a good night out for just the two of us!!

God Bless You!!   

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

An inspiring programme for young members

I was recently involved in coordinating a programme for young members in our organisation, the target audience was youngstere 35 and under. The objective was to motivate and shoe them that the department does care about their wellbeing and lifestyles.

The highlight of the day was Dr David Molapo, he was the guest motivational speaker. Guys if you have not been to one of his talks, the next time they mention his name make sure to be there. The guy is brilliant, he is not like most speaker who will either be comedians instead of motivating or give boring speeches. H talks about real life issues you can identify with and he tells them in a very funny way.

He opened my eyes when he said that in marriage there are 3 rings, engagement, wedding ring and suffeRING!!, I know you not yet married but you need to know that there are times of suffering in a marriage. He told youngsters about 3 types of friends, (1) those who keep reminding you of bad things that have passed to you, (2) those who want to get you involved in corrupt activities and (3) those that motivate you to prosper. He said if one has no 1 & 2 friends, he/she must send them sms saying 'it is over'.

I was really impressed by this Dr, I even bought a book 'It takes two to tango' written by him and his wife.
You can even google him and see his profile.

Conventional is a good fallback position isn't it?

Conventional can not be a good position for anybody. In life we all aspire to be something more than who we are, we want to be wealthier, healthier, acquire more things etc. If you say that conventional is a good fallback position, it means you have given up on life, you don't want to grow in any of life spheres, life can just be as is till the end of your time!!.

We have plans for our lives, what is best is to change strategy when you see that what you are doing is not helping you to fullfil or achieve what you have planned. Falling back to a conventional way will definitely not take you forward or help you achieve what you have planned.

The best thing to do is to make a 'detour' and you will ultimately achive something which you would not have if you were in your conventional position. Conventional is a good fallback only for people who do not want to take chances and if you do not take calculated chances you will miss good opportunities.

God bless you! 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

It is easy to condemn an organisation than an individual.

The actions of the two officials from Correctional Services and Police is appalling, it has been rightfully condemned by all citizens of SA (sexual scandal).

My understanding is that before people become officials in their departments they are from their homes. Morality and respect and all other principles are taught at home before one joins work force. It is dissappointing for me to hear people alligning individual's bad behaviours with the departments, as if it is the duty of superiors to teach people good behaviour.

Surely one's parents have a duty to instill discipline within their children so that when they go out in the world they do not embarass the family name. But the way this specific story was carried it was like their bosses were supposed to have taught them how to behave in public places. I feel the media and the people should have questioned South African family values, and not attack the departments.
What is happening now is that people out there are judging all officials in uniform, that is totally wrong.

SA wake up, our moral fibre is going down, instead of starting at our homes to make it right, we pass it to departments and organisations, surely that can not be the correct way.

This is my opinion and I'm sticking to it!!!

"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea" (Alain).

I think all Alain is trying to tell us is that we need to have plan B in whatever we do. This statement is so true, I have so many examples of situations where there was only one idea and when it failed, there was no other idea and the whole thing failed.

An idea can not be dangerous because having an idea means you know what you want to do and you can picture it. But the danger is to rely on this one idea and not have a second idea for in case the original idea does not work. Imagine you planning a garden wedding, the idea is that the ceremony will take place in the garden in open air. You choose a park for this wedding and the park only has one structure, public toilets.

On the day of the wedding it starts to rain and it pours. What will happen now, because there was only one idea, that of an outside garden wedding? Whereas, if there was a thought of what will happen if the weather becomes bad?. Then the second idea would have come in, having plan B of an alternative if the weather changes. In this instance the second idea would have been to look for a park that has a hall or erect a marquee for shelter.

Always think of PLAN B!!

Have you figured out the second head fake?

Mhh, second head fake!! What I can say is that we are surrounded by fakes, whether as in clothes (fong kong) or people that are fakes (imitating others). I think it is easy to figure out a person who is a fake, but because we are so taken by what is done by other people especially celebrities, we tend to envy fakeism instead of condemning it.

Most people justify being fake by saying that it is expensive to be original, fake is cheap. Is it then that we want to be considered cheap? The answer is no, God never made us fakes, therefore we must not make ourselves fakes, let's be original in everything we do.

Let's be content with who we are and what we can afford!

Team work

Ever since I started studying PR, all we are taught is TEAM WORK, whether its groups of 3,4 etc, working as a group is emphasized. It is true that in real life you will seldom work on your own, there is always two or three people to whom you owe the success of whatever you have achieved because you worked as a team, whether others were behind the scenes or not.
In a marriage, I learnt that there is nothing you must do without your spouse and children. When you want to buy furniture, you must discuss with the whole family to know what style will be good for everyone. When there's going to be a traditional ceremony, you even have to work together with other family members besides your spouse and kids.
At work, its even worse to maintain good working relations because you are bound to have opposing views and that on its own can cause tension. Some people become elephants in the team, some are subservient people who can't say no even when they know something will not work.
Team work is about voicing your views and opinion whether people will take it or not, its about contributing to the achievement of the objective of whatever you are busy with. I get frustrated by people who think that when you are a member of the team you must do everything that everybody in the team tells you to do. NO PEOPLE!! when you are at the meeting show people what you are capable of, not to show them that you are a YES MAN!!
Okey, I'm getting emotional!  PEACE PEOPLE, PEACE !!