Sunday, September 18, 2011

My big fat BIG dream.

I think it is every parent's dream to see her children become successful in life. I have all other dreams like my 25th anniversary party, getting my BTech qualifications and many many more!

But my big fat BIG dream is to see all my boys become men, not men by only going through initiation, but by completing their studies, get secure jobs and GET MARRIED and before I die, I get to see and have many grand children.

I am afraid to discuss this fat BIG dream of mine with them, because I do not want to put pressure on them. Some kids feel that what their parents wish for them has to be, in order to be a good child they must do what parents wish and say for them (I wish this was really the case). This is MY dream it should not be their burden to fullfil, it must happen if it is meant to be, I PRAY and keep dreaming, who knows, my dreams might come true some day!!.

Positive dreams bring positivity in ones life!!


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