Saturday, September 3, 2011

It is easy to condemn an organisation than an individual.

The actions of the two officials from Correctional Services and Police is appalling, it has been rightfully condemned by all citizens of SA (sexual scandal).

My understanding is that before people become officials in their departments they are from their homes. Morality and respect and all other principles are taught at home before one joins work force. It is dissappointing for me to hear people alligning individual's bad behaviours with the departments, as if it is the duty of superiors to teach people good behaviour.

Surely one's parents have a duty to instill discipline within their children so that when they go out in the world they do not embarass the family name. But the way this specific story was carried it was like their bosses were supposed to have taught them how to behave in public places. I feel the media and the people should have questioned South African family values, and not attack the departments.
What is happening now is that people out there are judging all officials in uniform, that is totally wrong.

SA wake up, our moral fibre is going down, instead of starting at our homes to make it right, we pass it to departments and organisations, surely that can not be the correct way.

This is my opinion and I'm sticking to it!!!

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