Wednesday, September 7, 2011

An inspiring programme for young members

I was recently involved in coordinating a programme for young members in our organisation, the target audience was youngstere 35 and under. The objective was to motivate and shoe them that the department does care about their wellbeing and lifestyles.

The highlight of the day was Dr David Molapo, he was the guest motivational speaker. Guys if you have not been to one of his talks, the next time they mention his name make sure to be there. The guy is brilliant, he is not like most speaker who will either be comedians instead of motivating or give boring speeches. H talks about real life issues you can identify with and he tells them in a very funny way.

He opened my eyes when he said that in marriage there are 3 rings, engagement, wedding ring and suffeRING!!, I know you not yet married but you need to know that there are times of suffering in a marriage. He told youngsters about 3 types of friends, (1) those who keep reminding you of bad things that have passed to you, (2) those who want to get you involved in corrupt activities and (3) those that motivate you to prosper. He said if one has no 1 & 2 friends, he/she must send them sms saying 'it is over'.

I was really impressed by this Dr, I even bought a book 'It takes two to tango' written by him and his wife.
You can even google him and see his profile.

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