Saturday, August 13, 2011

A skill set called leadership

I'm going to talk about leadership without refering to what literature says about leadership. This is what I think leadership should be all about:-
Leadership as a skill is about commanding respect towards others so that you can be respected you too. This respect issue is relevant in all spheres of life, e.g at work, school, Church, with peers and at home. Leadership is also about people doing what you want, not because they are afraid of you, but because they strive to be professional as you, their leader.

Leadership as a skill is being examplary at all times, not only when people are watching you. A skilled leader sees opportunities where others see problems and these opportunities need not only benefit him, but others too. Being fair at all times and being consistent is a skill I think should be entailed in leadership. When the leader is fair and consistent, the subordinates respect him.

Some people are luck to be refered as leaders though none of the skills needed for leadership are part of their characteristic.
At one point or another, we all assume the role of leadership, therefore we need to recognise the skills needed to be a successful leader.

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