Monday, February 14, 2011

Designer PR?

Where can I start?, Is there something like a designer in PR? Apparently, you can be a designer PR. According to Grace Bonney of Design Sponge, all you need is to master four aspects in order to be a designer PR in the specific field of publicity. She says, you need to know your product, know your publication, have your own press kit, the new trend is digital press kit and lastly you need to make contact with editors. Your contact with editors should be simple, remember you are selling a product and the story comes second.

Guys, to me this is everyday stuff, what I think is significant is that you must do things differently, put your own signature, then you can claim to practise designer PR. Interestingly I was at campus Mon,14th I was in one of the stalls, guess what pamphlet did I pick up? It was about having the most satisfying sex. The author says that there is something called Designer Sex, yes, designer sex. He/she says that designer sex is when you have one sexual partner. So Iam correct in designer PR you must be unique and not be like every PR Practitioner or Consultant!!  


  1. Wow! very interesting explaination regarding Designer PR. I also used my own understanding of Designer PR. It is very difficult for me to make much comments as i'm not sure about the topic.


  2. I too made up my own conclusions as to what Designer PR is about, a very good attempt on your side too Sis Dora.
