Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fish falling from the sky

Fish falling from the sky, to me is like wishing for something that will never happen, like 'ukuza kuka Nxele' if you know what I mean. Nowadays you easily hear people say 'nothing is impossible'. Nothing is impossible could mean an opposite of ' fish falling from the sky'.

With all the technology that we have today, it is possible to one of these days see fish fall from the sky. Who ever knew that a man could go to the moon, who knew you could communicate with somebody thousands of miles from you, who knew there would ever be treatment for TB(that is way before you were born,TB was like HIV/AIDS today).Even when you look at us in SA, there are many things that have happened that we once thought, 'ag, that will happen the day fish fell from the sky'.

It will take people that are really optimists to use phrases like 'fish falling from the sky'. To be optimistic is to be positive, believing that with innovation and creativity, anything is possible, even believing that one day fish will fall from the sky.


  1. Hi sisi wam awunqabe!

    You come up with something completely diffirent that i did not thought about. I must it was difficult for me. I tried my best.


  2. Yes Sis' Dora, you've put a whole different spin to the metaphor, I like it!
