Monday, March 21, 2011

We are afraid of the wrong things

It is a fact that we all are afraid of  'something'. We are all unique, therefore we can not be afraid of the same things. You might be afraid of spiders, I might be afraid of dogs, on the other hand there are people who are afraid of things that are not living, a person might be afraid of commitment, the other might be afraid of being overwhelmed by debts.

When it is said we are afraid of 'wrong' things, the question is, 'wrong' according to whom, because as I have mentioned, it might be a wrong thing for you but to me it might not. Taking being afraid of commitment as an example, a person can be afraid of commitment because a partner cheated, or he/she was in an abusive relationship. So with such an experience the person can be justified to be afraid of commitment.

Taking the same example, another person might resolve that it will be wrong to be afraid of commitment because your previous experiences are supposed to make you stronger not be weak and afraid of taking forward steps. For me it is difficult to support this statement because I belive that you have to walk in someone else's shoes to be able to judge them. Individuals have their own reasons why they are afraid of whatever they are afraid of.

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