Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Traditional ceremonies

We are living in an era that is so enlightened that you sometimes wonder if our traditional rituals are still relevant. Some families, though the elders used to do traditional ceremonies, they nowadays just abandon them and claim to be Westernised or claim to be Christians.

Some believe wholeheartedly that doing your traditional rituals keeps evil spirits away or brings luck to the family, depending on the type of ritual you are doing. People say that you have to BELIEVE, then things will start happening as you wish.
When I was growing up, traditional ceremonies were not frequently done at my home, actually only when I was grown up that I noticed a small ceremony will be done once in a while. You can imagine the shock I had when I got married I found that my in-laws not only believe in traditional things, they live them. I mean when a family member is sick, the first thing they do is to make sure all rituals have been done, like'imbeleko' intambo yokukhutshwa endlini' and so forth. If all those were done then he/she will be taken to the doctor, if not, the traditional ceremony must be done, as the belief is that ancestors are complaining that is why the person is sick.
To be honest, only a few times I have noticed the traditional diagnosis to be accurate, otherwise most of the times, we do the ritual and still have to take the person to the doctor, at that time much damage had occured. Though I was skeptical at first, nowadays, I even sometimes dream and it will be interpreted and if it means I must make 'umqombothi' for the ancestors, I do and after that good things will happen and I will also feel at peace. I think I am now really part of my huband's clan.
Frid, 18 we are going home to one of the biggest traditional ceremonies, I am so looking forward I can't wait, even my kids, they are geared up to go home. I will take picture and share them with you.

1 comment:

  1. On my mother's side of the family we dont perform any rituals, only circumcision...however...on my dad's side of the family, everything calls for a ritual, whether its celebrating a new job, success, the ancestors have to be let in on everything that happens. Im so confused, i dont even see the necessity of all of it. Well-written Sisi!
